HOME BP Accuracy article

In 2014, we presented a cross sectional study on whether home blood pressure monitors are accurate, at the ASN in Philadelphia. The ASN media committee decided to pick this up to issue a press release. Some media interviews followed:

The actual paper can be read freely here, on PLoS One (accepted ~ 18 months later).

MedPage Today

On the contrast being bad whether its arterial or venous study presented at ASN 2017

Should the FDA change its black box warning on metformin? (yes, from 2015))


On MDedge on the research behind alpha blockers and hypertension

Consumer Reports on the importance of alcohol and potassium in blood pressure


News 1130 on the risk of AKI in COVID-19 (Apr 29, 2020)

JAMA perspective on creating dialysis units for better cohorting (April 16, 2020)

New York Times article on FDA approvals

New York Times Treatment Tracker (as a contributor, on the basis of numerous conversations with Carl Zimmer)

The Wire, on undercounting COVID deaths

The Ottawa Citizen on the COVID triage protocols

The CBC Ottawa morning on COVID in India


Medscape on the debate between ‘kidney’ and ‘renal’

Medscape on Chronotherapy in Hypertension

On Sodium versus Potassium debate, with Chris Labos

CBC Radio: Element of surprise

The Element of Surprise! Potassium on CBC All-In-A-Day with Allan Neal

The Element of Surprise! Sodium on CBC All-in-A-Day with Allan Neal


The Scientist, on the rise and rise of preprints